49th Annual Meeting of the ISPN – ISPN 2023 Viña del Mar
ISPN 2023 will take place from 15-19 October 2023.
48th Annual Meeting of the ISPN – ISPN 2022 Singapore
Save the date: ISPN 2022 will take place from 6-10 December 2022.
ISPN 2020 Virtual Meeting: Cutting-edge Science in Pediatric Neurosurgery
*6-8 November
*4 hours per day
*most pressing & exciting topics in pediatric neurosurgery today
*global leaders
Registration is now open! Register today to secure your seat!
47th Annual Meeting, Birmingham, UK – ISPN 2019
The ISPN 47th Annual Meeting, ISPN 2019, will be held from 20-24 October 2019 in Birmingham, UK.
46th Annual Meeting, Tel Aviv, Israel – ISPN 2018
The ISPN 46th Annual Meeting, ISPN 2018, was held from 7-11 October 2018 in Tel Aviv, Israel. For more information, visit the ISPN 2018 website: http://ispnmeeting.org/2018/.
45th Annual Meeting, Denver, USA – ISPN 2017
It is our great pleasure to announce the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN), which will be held in Denver, USA on October 8-12, 2017. We live in an exciting time for neurosurgery, with tremendous strides coming in the technologies we apply in our practices and in our abilities to […]
2016 Kobe, Japan Annual Meeting
Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is our great pleasure to announce the 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ISPN), which will be held in KOBE on October 23-27, 2016. This is the third occasion for the Japanese Society for pediatric Neurosurgery (JSPN) to host this important meeting in Japan. The first […]
2015 Izmir, Turkey Annual Meeting
It was a great honour and pleasure to host the 43rd Annual Meeting of the ISPN in Izmir, Turkey, between October 3-8, 2015. Even it was an unfortunate occasion that caused me to become the chair of an ISPN Annual Meeting, after 15 years from the Istanbul 2000 Annual Meeting, it was a wonderful and […]
2014 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Annual Meeting
It was my great pleasure and honor to be the host of the 42nd ISPN Meeting in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. This was the second ISPN Meeting held in Brazil, 37 years after Gurujá, São Paulo. There were 413 registered participants and 100 were from Brazil. Forty-five countries were represented. The local Organizing Committee was […]
2013 Mainz, Germany Annual Meeting
It was a great privilege, honour and joy to host the 41st Annual Meeting of the ISPN in Mainz, Germany, from September 29 to October 3, 2013. Almost 40 years after Würzburg 1976, this was the second ISPN congress in Germany, attended by nearly 550 participants from 46 countries. The main scientific topic was “Outcome […]
2012 Sydney, Australia Annual Meeting
It was a great privilege and honour to host the 40th Anniversary of the ISPN in my home town of Sydney, Australia. The meeting was well attended with 313 registered participants, 83 accompanying persons and 75 registered trade representatives. 51 countries were represented and many were from developing nations. The Pre-meeting Course on “Surgical Approaches to the Brainstem” was well received by […]